Archived Posts By McKinney MUD 2


Recently, each homeowner in Trinity Falls received a letter from the MUD regarding illegal yard drains. The intent of the letter was to provide information to homeowners about lot drainage. Just because you received a letter does not mean that you have an illegal drain on your lot. The MUD provides ongoing inspections of all MUD-owned property to ensure that no homeowner is causing damage to such property. This update from the MUD will hopefully provide further clarification about illegal drains. Most lots in Trinity Falls drain toward the street. As a reminder, your property line ends at the sidewalk [...]

By |February 3rd, 2025|Categories: Latest News|


The "Small Dog" Park is for SMALL dogs -- under 20LBS only. Please keep larger dogs in the "Big Dog" Park. Signs are posted at all entrances. If someone has a large dog in the small dog area, please do NOT confront that person. Please REPORT it to the Regional District Manager, Jody Dellinger, at 469-243-0028.

By |December 13th, 2024|Categories: Latest News|


PLEASE DO NOT allow kiddos to block the main drain on the splashpad causing a pool that overflows all the splashpad water to the flowerbeds! Blocking the splashpad main drain empties the recirculating tank causing the pumps to run dry which will burn up the pumps and also cause the chlorine and UV system to overwork trying to keep up the water balance. Blocking the splashpad main drain while the features are running will cause SEVERE damage and to the system pumps, and UV system causing a splashpad shutdown while we have to make EXTREMELY costly and lengthy repairs to [...]

By |May 20th, 2024|Categories: Latest News|

Notice Regarding MUD-Owned Property

REMINDER: All property from the back side (house side) of all sidewalks to the curb is owned by the MUD. Other property owned by the MUD includes the Parkways, Greenbelts, and Parks. Modifications, construction, or alterations on or to MUD property is strictly forbidden without prior written approval from the MUD. This includes, but is not limited, to pool drains, pop-up drains, irrigation systems, concrete pads, basketball sleeves, etc. The repair of damaged bubbler irrigation is allowed. Disposal of grass clippings, tree trimmings, pet waste, trash, chemicals, or personal items is strictly prohibited and no exceptions or approval for disposal [...]

By |June 5th, 2023|Categories: Latest News|
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