This is to confirm that due to dangerous weather and poor road conditions the trash services will not be operating on Monday, 2/15/2021. Based on the current forecasts it is highly unlikely that trash service will be operating on Tuesday, 2/16/2021, and possibly Wednesday, 2/17/2021. Based on weather reports it is possible that trash operations may not be back to normal operations until Friday, 2/19/2021, depending on weather and road conditions.
Check back for updates this week to stay informed.
Recovery plan:
- Extra roll-off boxes will be placed at hospitals to provide extra disposal capacity through Tuesday.
- If operations are closed on Monday only, operations will resume on a holiday type schedule, where pickup will occur 1 day late.
- Monday customers picked up on Tuesday.
- Tuesday customers picked up on Wednesday.
- Wednesday customers picked up on Thursday.
- Thursday customers picked up on Friday.
- Friday customers picked up on Saturday.
- If operations are closed on Monday and Tuesday, operations plans on starting Wednesday.
- Wednesday customers will be picked up Wednesday, with additional capacity scheduled to pick up Monday & Tuesday customers.
- Thursday customers will be picked up Thursday, with additional capacity scheduled to pick up Monday & Tuesday customers.
- Friday customers will be picked up Friday, with additional capacity scheduled to pick up Monday & Tuesday customers.
- Monday & Tuesday customers are expected to experience significant delays through next week, however operations expects to have all customers caught up by Saturday for all lines of business.
- Additional capacity will be the result of not running bulk routes next week, so focus is placed on residential trash, and residential recycling being secondary.